The Regina Cyclone

damage_to_buildings_after_the_cycloneThe “Regina Cyclone” hit the town of Regina, Canada, on June the 30th of 1912 and has since been seen as one of the most destructive tornadoes ever to hit Canada. Hitting an estimated wind speed of 800 kilometres an hour the tornado had quite an impact on people’s lives.

Here are some statistics on the impact caused by the tornado:

  • Wind speed of 800 km/hour
  • Caused $1,200,000 in damage costs (today that would be around $485 million dollars)
  • Over 2,500 people’s homes were destroyed and were homeless afterwards
  • 28 people died because of the tornado
  • The tornado travelled over 12 kilometres before dissipating
  • It took nearly 40 years to repay all the debt that had built up from rebuilding costs

These show just the devastating impact that the tornado had on not only the people but the financial status of the country!

Pictures taken after the cyclone had dissipated show that the downtown area of Regina had the worst damage compared to the rest of the city.


  1. Hmm, another source says it was 1944, not 1946.

    “Saskatchewan’s most damaging tornado, rated F4, hit Regina on the afternoon of June 30, 1912, causing twenty-eight deaths in the city, hundreds of injuries, and huge property losses (see Regina Cyclone). The only other F4-rated case was at Kamsack on August 9, 1944; it resulted in three dead, forty-four injured, and many buildings in the town destroyed.”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. 800 km/h, that’s incredible! I remember the tornado that went through Kamsack, Saskatchewan in 1946. That was scary enough, but not quite as bad as what Regina experienced.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You’re welcome. I usually try to write about people and good things for the most part. But I thought these events are part of the cities’s history. I’m glad you liked the post. 🙂


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